Progress, I Think

I had an RE appointment this morning to see how I did on the 100 mg dose of Clomid. There was good and not-as-good news, but I’m not stressing. The good news, I have 3 possible follicles this cycle (2 on the right and 1 on the left). Three eggs is definitely better odds than just having  one. The not-as-good news is that all 3 were still on the small side at around 10 mm. I have a follow-up ultrasound next Monday morning to check on them again. We were kind of bummed that I wasn’t ready to go this week, but it is what it is and I can’t do anything about it.

J is a little worried: about how slowly I respond to the Clomid and why I’m not responding as quickly as she did, if IUI done later in your cycle lowers your chances for success. Dr. Google says there are plenty of successful IUI stories later in cycles as well as slow Clomid response being a relatively normal thing for some women. Personally I felt like my ultrasound was going to be a little too early this time, but I think the doctor was just expecting me to take off with the Clomid. I told J that I’m not worried, I am just trying to do all I can to keep my body on track by being healthier, which I know will only help my chances. After all, it did help J!

Plus I think three follicles this time is a big improvement, so yay there and fingers crossed they all are big enough by Monday! I’m hopeful that we will have our next IUI sometime next week. I’m really trying not to stress, focus on positive thoughts, and make my body a better place for a baby.

14 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. AndiePants
    Jan 07, 2015 @ 15:54:04

    Have you talked to your doc about letrozole? Some women who don’t respond to clomid do well with letrozole (also called femara)


    • B
      Jan 07, 2015 @ 20:25:11

      Yes, I was given the option of Letrozole or Clomid and chose Clomid. If this cycle doesnt work I was going to talk to the doc and consider switching if he thinks it might help!


      • AndiePants
        Jan 08, 2015 @ 13:39:05

        I forget – do you have PCOS? I do, and clomid never really worked for me, but letrozole did. Well, ‘did’ in that I ovulated, not in the sense that I got pregnant.

      • B
        Jan 08, 2015 @ 18:57:38

        Yes I do. I did ovulate last month on the 50 mg (1 follicle) of Clomid so I’m hoping I’m just slow and these 3 follicles will mature and ovulate this time too.

  2. thebarrenlibrarian
    Jan 07, 2015 @ 16:19:53

    I had my successful IUI on CD 18-so yes, later is not necessarily worse πŸ˜‰


    • B
      Jan 07, 2015 @ 20:27:12

      Yay that’s awesome to hear! I usually have a 30-32 day cycle so I know a later ovulation isn’t abnormal with those stats. Still reassuring to hear since my guess is I’ll be CD 17-18 if/when we do this next IUI.


  3. Molly
    Jan 07, 2015 @ 17:11:54

    Hopefully you won’t need a “next” cycle, but like Andie said, it seems like it might be worth it to ask about femara/letrozole. Clomid clearly isn’t winning any awards in your system, so it could be worth a shot to try something different. Fingers crossed it won’t matter, though!


    • B
      Jan 07, 2015 @ 20:28:30

      Yes fingers crossed! I think I’m just a late bloomer lol but I will definitely look into switching some things up IF there is a next cycle. πŸ™‚


  4. K.M.H
    Jan 07, 2015 @ 23:26:04

    My follies were on the small side my first u/s too. I used a heating pad the next three days on my abdomen, and at my next u/s, they were a lot furter along


  5. jamameri
    Jan 08, 2015 @ 05:34:04

    Baby dust gomin yhu way jones


  6. TheChroniclesofaNonBellyMama
    Jan 08, 2015 @ 09:28:59

    Hopefully they will mature a little more by your next U/S…hope it all goes well!


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